Join the PGHSAA
Member Login
Annual Alumni Dinner

Support the PGHS Alumni Association!

The PGHSAA is a California Non Profit Public Benefit Corporation.
Your generous contributions are appreciated!

The information required on this form is for our records only. We will never share your information.
Your Payment is 100% Secure.

Contributions memorialize the lives of our families, classmates and faculty members and help us help PGHS students and PGHS. Your generosity will enable us to spend thousands of dollars for students and programs. THANK YOU!

You may also download the form and send us a check.

Download the Contributions Form

We thank you for your donation!

Your contributions directly benefit Pacific Grove High School and its students and can memorialize the lives of our families, classmates and faculty members. Thank you for your generosity!
Contributions are not limited to the Funds or Programs listed here. Please specify in Special Instructions.

The information required below (Class Year, Surname at Graduation and Married Name) is for our internal records only.

If PGHS - otherwise please enter NONE
If PGHS - otherwise please enter NONE
If PGHS - otherwise please enter NONE